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Special Issue: Climate and Development (hybrid open access journal): Publishes research on the interfaces between climate, development, policy and practice to make analysis of climate and development issues more accessible.


SPRINGER LINK Calls for Papers on the Topic, ‘Migration in a Changing Climate in India

Kerala Migration Survey 2023 Preliminary Report Released


Marie Percot-🇫🇷

Visiting Professor

Marie Percot is a French anthropologist. She started her studies with a Master degree in Hindi and Indian civilization at the INALCO (National Institute for Eastern Languages and Civilization, Paris) and she completed them in the department of Anthropology and Sociology at the Sorbonne University (Paris) She has worked extensively on migration in South Asia. For a long time, she has studied the migration of Indian nurses to the Gulf countries. Over this past decade, she has conducted researches in Bangladesh. At first, on rural-urban migration linked to environmental stress, thanks to a contract with the Refugees Studies Centre of Oxford University. Then, as part of a project directed by the REALM program (Columbia University), she has focused on the migration of Bangladeshis to Oman. She is also working on migration of Bangladeshi villagers to India.

Marie Percot has always worked as freelance researcher. She has for a long time been associated to the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Urbaine (CNRS) (Laboratory of Urban Anthropology, French National Council for Scientific Research), then to the Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Anthropologie du Contemporain (CNRS/Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales). For more than 30 years now, she has been working under contracts of numerous French institutions (Ministries, regional authorities…) as well as of international institutions (Oxford University, Columbia University…).