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Shoba Arun-University of Greenwich, London

Visiting Professor


Professor Shoba Arun  is Professor of International Sociology in  the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom where is she is Lead for the Research Centre for Communities and Social Justice. Her research interests  relate to global social identities and inequalities with a keen interest in migration studies and actively publishing in many academic journals, book and blogs. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and member of the British Sociological Association and the Global Studies Association, UK. She serves on the Editorial Board of the Work, Employment and Society Journal. Her latest book, Development and Gender Capital in India: Change, Continuity and Conflict in Kerala (Routledge, 2017) adopts a feminist Bourdieusian approach to the gendered economy and society  of the Indian state of Kerala in the global south. She has just completed her role as UK Lead and PI for  the Horizon 2020 Project on MICREATE- Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe, see www.micreate.eu). Previously, she was Professor of International Sociology at the Department of Sociology at the Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom where she was Interim Director of the Research Centre for Applied Social Sciences, and co-convened the Migration and Interdiscplinary Global Studies Research Cluster at Manchester Metropolitan University.