
Dr. Tina Kuriakose Jacob is an alumnus of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and has a PhD in International Law. She is a development sector practitioner who has worked with diverse set of stakeholders both within government departments and with civil society partners. She currently works in the International Justice Mission—an organisation that seeks to build justice systems for the poorest and most vulnerable in India. Her policy and actionable inputs from field partners of IJM have led to creating institutional systems and governmental processes to help in cases of bonded labour, labour trafficking and unsafe internal migration through the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Ministry of Rural Development and National Human Rights Commission. She has previously served as Head of Research at the India Centre for Migration, a think tank in the Ministry of External Affairs, providing strategic and actionable research to improve the migration experience of Indians abroad. She has certified training in labour migration, gender and trade from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Training Centre, Turin, Azim Premji University & Aajevika Bureau and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi.